Over the past fitteen years, Holmer Green Players has supported many local and national charities. These include:
Rennie Grove Hospice
Help for heroes
Children in need
The Puzzle Centre
The Alzheimer's Society
Cherry Garth Care Home
In 2020, the group raised money for both Cherry Garth Care Home and the Alzheimer's Society. Holmer Green Players were keen to support the two charities because long-time member, Di Healy is now in Cherry Garth Care Home with severe Alzheimer's. Di had been a member of the group since the early 1980s and directed, acted and taught a whole generation of members how to stage a show.
Over that period we have raised in excess of £6500 with the generous help of our aud1ances and supporters.
If you would like to donate to the Alzheimer's Society, click on the icon below.